

Ewbank Heritage Restoration

Heritage Restoration Project:
Ewbank Heritage Building

A major project which made the news across the country! An out of control Semi Truck and Trailer ran through the main street of Singleton NSW, creating havoc and impacting this beautiful Heritage listed Building ( previously “Ewbank”), and bursting into flames, resulting in catastrophic Structural damage to the entire front elevation. Given the nature of the building, its design, construction methods, and Heritage listing, detailed consultation was required with numerous parties to ensure the remediation met all required Heritage guidelines, repair methods and material requirements.

Challenge & Solutions

SHBR Group worked with all parties to source, manufacture, re-design, create moulds, and custom manufacture items that are no longer readily available. From the 100+ year old decorative cement and tin verandah support posts, the Bluestone and sandstone front Entry, re-created from original photographs and left over debris to match the original perfectly, the original timber specie and sectional sizes for the verandahs that are no longer readily available were sourced from various parts of the country. The custom sourced, milled and curved interior finishes and trims, worked by bespoke and specialist trades skilled in old work methods, ensuring the building was returned to its former glory!




Singleton, NSW